Lexi’s Presentation Notes

Slide 2: Bullying is when a person: physically hurts another person by punching and shoving; spreading bad rumors; excluding certain people out of a group; and teasing.

Slide 3: There are 4 most common types of bullying:
1. Verbal bullying: name-calling, teasing, spreading rumors, threatening, making negative references to one’s culture, race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.
2. Social bullying: excluding others from a group, humiliating others with public gestures, such as, graffiti.
3. Physical bullying: hitting, punching, shoving, stealing or destroying belongings.
4. Cyber bullying: using instant messaging or the internet to spread rumors or to make fun of someone.

Slide 4: Bullying affects people by: loss of confidence, may not want to go to school anymore, make them sick, and it makes people feel: upset lonely, unhappy, frightened, or unsafe. They may feel like something is wrong with them.

Slide 5: Long-term physical and psychological consequences: depression, anxiety disorders, withdraw from family and school activities, wanting to be left alone, shyness, headaches, stomach-aches, panic attacks, lack of or too much sleep, exhaustion, nightmares, lack of concentration and focus, difficulty learning.
People who are bullied feel embarrassed and ashamed. If the pain is not relieved, it can lead to suicide or violent behaviour.

Slide 6: Communications of 2014/15 – The Internet: Show of hands who has an account of a social networking site, such as FaceBook, Twitter, Tumblr, or Instagram?
These sites allow people to share tweets, videos, photos, journal/messages. This information can be seen by teachers, police, and future employers.

Slide 7: It is a crime if your communication with others causes them to fear for their safety or the safety of others. It is a crime to publish writing that is designed to insult a person or hurt their reputation by exposing him/her to hatred or ridicule. May also violate Canadian Human Rights Act if he/she spreads hate or discrimination based on race, ethnic origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or family status/disability.

Slide 8: Be careful of what you watch and re-post: if videos or images involve criminal activity online and you watch it; you could be traced back. And, if you re-post, you could be charged.

Slide 16: Last words we have for you: look out for your friends and family. Remind them to be careful (of what you watch online). Make smart choices. Stand up against bullying; if you see it, report it!

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