Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Posted: April 10, 2015 in Uncategorized

I am glad that I was able to do the pare test to get the feel of it. Now I know what I need to work on which is my speed work cardio. I was a bit frustrated with my time because I thought I would do a lot better, but it’s a learning experience. I have to take it and build on it. Doing the pare wasn’t the most difficult physical activity that I have done. I wish I could do it again in the next month or so.

Driving for the Justice Institution in Pitt Meadows was a lot of fun. I was able to drive through 4 different obstacles at the airport and took a driving test which provided feedback. At first, driving through the obstacles made me nervous because we were suppose to go fast without hitting cones. I was actually surprised of how well I did. I barely hit any cones and managed to go through the obstacles very fast. One obstacle had a single lane, then three lanes which we had to pick the green lane, and a final single lane. I had managed to get through this obstacle going 65km and only hit one cone.

After this weekend I have been trying to break some habits which I have developed over the years. It would be great if this driving course was two days instead of one.mentality-clipart-police-car-clip-art


Posted: April 9, 2015 in Uncategorized

I was able to participate in 3 scenarios which were set up by the theater program at Thompson Rivers University.

The first scenario involved 3 intoxicated individuals (2 female and 1 male) which they were throwing beer cans at a female who was on the ground in a wheel chair. It was hard to communicate with the intoxicated individuals but my partner and I were able to hand cuff the 2 females. At that point I had called for backup because they were not being cooperative and we needed extra handcuffs. Backup had arrived and helped the female in the wheel chair and the other partner was able to get the other intoxicated female. For the outcome: I should have called for backup earlier; I should have handcuffed the two females together with there legs crossed sitting down so then we could have hand cuffed the intoxicated male.

The second scenario involved a male and a female which the female was hitting the male with her purse. There was a mix up of who was communication and who was cover. I rushed to separate the male from the female which my partner hand cuffed the female. I did not handcuff the male because he was very cooperative. I went to search the female and found nothing on her but my partner searched her bag and found a gun which then I read her her rights again. For the outcome: I should have arrested the female because I was first at scene; while talking to the male I didn’t realize he had an illegal knife in his pocket; I should have walked the male further away from the female so they would stop shouting at each other.

The third scenario was a house party which involved 4 females and 1 male (one of the females was the house owner which seemed sober and was cooperative). My partner and I showed up and I banged on the door which the owner answered and was panicking and told us that she had called the police. I had entered the home which drugs were on the table and a female was throwing beer at us. By then I told my partner to call for backup. I had noticed a male on the couch but his eyes were opening and closing. I went over to him while my partner was trying to handcuff a female. I asked if he was alright but I did not get a response. I didn’t want to touch him because I didn’t know if he was going to jump at me so I turned my attention to an intoxicated female to try and handcuff her. One female ran away and we were able to handcuff the 2 females and read them their rights. For the outcome: When arriving I should have asked the owner to come outside and then I should have told my partner then to call for backup; I should have called an ambulance because of the male was unresponsive on the couch.

The scenarios were a lot of fun and was a great learning experience. I wish we had more time to do more.

Firearms Course

Posted: April 9, 2015 in Uncategorized

I am glad that a firearms course was a part of the Police and Justice Program because I have never handled a gun before. I thought that these two weeks would be hard for me because of the little knowledge I had for guns, but by the end of the course, I was able to handle shotguns and handguns safely. I definitely would like to practice shooting a handgugunn at a shooting range.

Assume every firearm is loaded.
Control the muzzle direction at all times.
Trigger finger must be kept off the trigger and out of the trigger guard.
See that the firearm is unloaded: PROVE.

Point the firearm in the safest available direction.
Remove all ammunition.
Observe the chamber.
Verify the feeding path.
Examine the bore for obstructions.

Directing Traffic

Posted: April 9, 2015 in Uncategorized

At the beginning of the winter semester (2015) I was taught the proper way of how to direct traffic. By the end, I was able to pull someone over with the lights and sirens on. It was a bit difficult because there was so much multitasking.